Back again with my ninth installment. Here are my books from 2024.

And here it is over time.

I know karate, voodoo too
Back again, this time with my eighth installment. Here are my books from 2023.
And here it is over time.
As always, lots of good ones in there I would recommend. Here are a few highlights.
Previous posts on books read: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
It’s that time a year again. Below is a look at my reading over the course of 2022. This is the seventh year I have done this and it’s the first time I have topped 50 books. I am not sure what was different this year, to be honest, and I doubt I will maintain the pace through 2023, but we shall see.
And here it is over time. The books in green were started in 2021.
As always, lots of good ones in there I would recommend. Here are a few highlights.
As has become standard in these annual posts to do some looking at the data Below shows the number of pages in each of the 53 finished books. This totals 18,611 pages (average of 351).
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book.
My pace of 51 pages per day was almost double last year’s 28. Below is a year over year look.
Previous posts on books read: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
These are the books I read in 2021.
Here is a look at the reading over the course of the year. The book in green (The Practicing Stoic) was started in 2020.
There are definitely some good ones in there I would recommend. Here are a few highlights.
And many more great ones. Black Boy, The Stranger, Dead Wake, Earth is Weeping… all fantastic.
And because I’m a data nerd (and there aren’t that many metrics to muck with when it comes to a reading list)… below shows the number of pages in each of the 26 finished books. This totals 10,354 pages (average of 398).
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book. My pace of 28.4 pages per day was a bit of an improvement from last year’s 23.3. The four years before were 29, 19, 18, and 19.
Previous posts on books read: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
These are the books I read in 2020.
Here is a look at the reading over the course of the year. The book in green (Sing, Unburied, Sing) was started in 2019. The book in tan was just started and has not been finished.
There are definitely some good ones in there I would recommend. Here are a few highlights.
And because I’m a data nerd… below shows the number of pages in each of the 26 finished books. This totals 8,487 pages (average of 326). Apparently I took it easy this year. Last year was ~10.8k pages (so, this year was down about 25%). You’d think that with the pandemic reading would have increased, but things were pretty busy at the beginning and I definitely slowed down.
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book. I averaged about 23.3 pages per day which is a drop from last year (29.7), but in line with the 3 years before that (19, 18, 19).
Previous posts on books read: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
These are the books I read in 2019.
Here is a look at the reading over the course of the year. The book in green (21 Lessons) was started in 2018. The 3 books in tan are books that I have not finished.
There are definitely some good ones in there I would recommend. Here are a hew highlights.
And because I’m a data nerd… below shows the number of pages in each of the 29 finished books. This totals 10,844 pages (average of 374).
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book. I averaged about 29.7 pages per day which is a fair amount higher than the last 3 years (19, 18, 19).
Previous posts on books read: 2018, 2017, 2016
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
These are the books I read in 2018.
In total: 19 books, 6,952 pages.
Here is a look at the reading over the course of the year. The book in green (The Cartel) was started in 2017. The 2 books in tan (On Grand Strategy and 21 Lessons) are books that I have not finished.
There is some good stuff in here and many I would recommend. Here are a hew highlights.
Below shows the number of pages in each of the 19 finished books. This totals 6,952 pages (average of 366).
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book. I averaged about 19 pages per day which is on par with the last 2 years (19 in 2016 and 18 last year). As with those years, the pace is quite varied where some books are consumed quickly and others were read in spurts.
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
These are the books I read in 2017.
In total: 19 books, 6,663 pages.
Here is a look at the reading over the course of the year. The books in green are books started in 2016. The 3 books in tan (Cure, The Upside of Irrationality, and The Cartel) are books that I have not finished.
It is always hard to say what books were my favorite. The majority of these books are books that I would recommend, but I will highlight just a handful.
Sapolsky and a Baboon
Robert Sapolsky is a primatologist and neurobiologist. He has spent 30+ summers in east Africa observing baboons as a primatologist while spending the school year as a professor and researcher studying the brain. Behave is a wide ranging book focused on why we do what we do. He looks at the intertwining of factors from neurochemistry to genetics, hormones, childhood experiences, evolutionary mechanisms, etc. As Sapolsky says, “it’s complicated – nothing seems to cause anything; instead everything just modulates something else.” But, it is still hella interesting. Oh, and the homunculus has no clothes.
Below shows the number of pages in each of the 19 finished books. This totals 6,663 pages (average of 351).
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book. I averaged about 18 pages per day, but as you can see there is quite a swing. Some of these books were read in a continuous fashion; others were read in spurts.
Lastly, here are the Goodreads ratings along with my ratings. Goodreads allows a score of 0 to 5 (whole numbers only). Across the 19 books, I gave an average rating of 3.7 out of 5.
(Chart creation code can be found here.)
As Steven Pinker has observed, “No mute tribe has ever been discovered, and there is no record that a region has served as a ‘cradle’ of language from which it spread to previously languageless groups.” Speech came naturally—it did not have to be invented. But writing did… Though linguists have documented more than three thousand languages currently being spoken throughout the world, only about a hundred of those languages have been written down. What’s more, over all of human history, writing was independently invented only a few times, and it made its way around the world mainly through cultural diffusion, being borrowed or adapted from existing systems rather than being repeatedly reinvented.
— From Leonard Mlodinow’s The Upright Thinkers. The Steven Pinker quote is from his book, The Language Instinct (1994).
These are the books I read in 2016.
14 books, 6,782 pages. Some great books!
Here is a look at the reading over the course of the year. The book in green (The Tell- Tale Brain) is a carryover from 2015. The 3 books in tan (Good to Great, Smarter Faster Better, and The Upright Thinkers) are books that I have not finished.
It’s interesting to see how it’s not 100% serial. There is a fair amount of overlap. For example, I started 4 and finished 3 books while reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
Below shows the number of pages in each of the 14 finished books. This totals 6,782 pages (average of 484).
And here is graph showing the pages read per day by book. I averaged about 19 pages per day, but as you can see there is quite a swing. Some of these books were read in a continuous fashion; others were read in spurts.
Lastly, here are the Goodreads ratings along with my ratings. Goodreads allows a score of 0 to 5 (whole numbers only). Across the 14 books, I gave an average rating of 3.9 out of 5.
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